Introduction &Review: First law of thermodynamics- reversible
thermodynamic processes- Second Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck
Statement- Celsius Statement- Heat engine – Reversed engine (Refrigeratorheat
pump)- Carnot cycle-Entropy: Clausius inequality-Entropy-Entropy
changes in reversible processes- principle of increase entropy -Availability
&Irreversibility-Steam Cycle: Simple steam cycle (Rankine cycle)- Reheat
cycle- Regenerative cycle-Air standard cycle: Otto cycle- Diesel Cycle- Dual
Cycle-simple gas turbine cycle - Refrigeration cycle- Gas mixtures General
considerations and mixtures of ideal gases--simplified model of mixture
involving gases and vapor- the first law applied to gas-vapor mixture
Thermodynamic relations: The Clapeyron Equation- Maxwell relations-Some
thermodynamic relation involving Enthalpy, internal energy and entropy-
Chemical reaction: Fuels-Combustion process