Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE411]
Theory of guided waves and the concept of “modes”. Rectangular Waveguides.
Cylindrical waveguides. Cavity resonators. Characterist...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE412]
Wireless technologies and challenges of mobile computing, Wireless
Architecture for mobile computing, Wireless LANs, Mobile IP, Wireless TCP,<...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE413]
The Database development process, Modeling Data, the enhanced ER model
and business rules, Logical Database Design, Database Normalization, Th...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE414]
General problem solving, Search and control strategies, Exhaustive searches,
Heuristic search techniques, Constraint satisfaction problems (CS...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE501]
This course introduces the networking field. Topics include network
terminology and protocols, local-area networks, wide-area networks, OSI
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE502]
Introduction to mobile communications. Cellular concepts: cell-design, handoff,
traffic intensity. Radio wave propagation effects. Multipath a...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE503]
Radiation and antenna characteristics. The fundamental parameters of
antennas. Receiving and transmitting antennas. Types of linear antennas.<...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE504]
Software processes, Software requirements and specifications, Software
Modeling, Software design, Object-Oriented Design, Rapid Software
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE505]
Introduction to Operating Systems, OS structure, Process Management,
processes, threads, CPU Scheduling, Process Synchronization, Deadlocks,
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE506]
This course introduces an overview of information security. Principles of
security including confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Exp...