RF Engineering

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE527]

This course introduces RF Components and Their System Parameter.
* RF Components and Their System Parameters: Introduction and History -

Advanced Topics in Communication Engineering

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE528]

This course introduces an advanced topic in Communication Engineering.


Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE531]

Overview: compilers and interpreters, Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis -
Parsing, Syntax-directed translation, Intermediate code generation,...

Computer Graphics

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE532]

Fundamentals of computer graphics - display devices - fundamentals of
graphic algorithms - two-dimensional graphics - polygon representation -...

Parallel Processing

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE533]

Parallel architectures, Parallel algorithm design, Shared memory programming,
Message passing programming, Combining MPI and Open MP, Debuggin...

Neural Networks

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE534]

Single-Layer Perceptron’s, Implementing Learning Algorithms for the
Perceptron, Error-Correction Learning, Online and Offline Perceptron...

Advanced Computer Networks

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE535]

Advanced topics in computer networks, detail of protocol standards and
services provided by the network; focus on current industry and researc...

Software Testing

Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE536]

This course will cover: software testing and basic testing terms, software
lifecycle and testing role, performance testing, security testing,...

Productivity Analysis & Improvements

Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND410]

Introduction to quality engineering techniques commonly used for performance
measurement, productivity analysis, productivity improvement tech...

Product Design

Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND511]

The student learns to apply static design, analysis, specification, and financial
analysis to a specific product. There is a focus on integrat...