Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND508]
Computerized Maintenance Management - Computerized Production
Management - Computerized Project Management - Computerized Safety
Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND509]
The student learns principles of solid modeling and 3D drafting. Modeled objects
include solids, wire frames, and pictorial representation. Ad...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE537]
This course covers; the basics of speech production and perception, a review
of DSP fundamentals, acoustic-phonetics, linguistics, speech perc...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [MDP409]
The student learns about metal casting, nonmetallic molding, joining processes,
fabrication, and assembly. Manufacturing parameters, design, a...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND591]
This course requires the students, working in teams, to take an actual engineering
project from the initial proposal stage through the prelimi...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE538]
This course introduces an advanced topic in Computer Engineering.
Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND592]
A continuation of IND591, the design process will continue from the preliminary
phase to the completion of a conceptual design of the project....
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE580]
This course requires the students, working in teams, to take an actual
engineering project from the initial proposal stage through the prelimi...
Undergraduate - Compulsory [IND380]
Not Available
Undergraduate - Compulsory [CCE581]
A continuation of CCE580, the design process will continue from the
preliminary phase to the completion of a conceptual design of the project....